Elvis in 1956
Elvis in 1956
Elvis' career took off in 1956. In that year, he released his first album and movie, made his national television debut and more. How well do you know Elvis' 1956?
Elvis' career took off in 1956. In that year, he released his first album and movie, made his national television debut and more. How well do you know Elvis' 1956?
![Elvis Presley's Graceland](http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/UserImages/f8edf523-d553-4aa3-8763-019f1df71bf4.jpg)
Elvis purchased his first home in March 1956. Which house did he purchase?
Elvis made his national television debut on what show?
Elvis made his film debut in "Love Me Tender." What was his character's name?
What's the first track on Elvis' debut album?
In 1956 Earl K. Long commissioned Elvis as a Honorary Colonel of what state?
Elvis' final appearance on the Louisiana Hayride took place in what month in 1956?
Which of these songs was released in 1956?
True or False: All three of Elvis' Ed Sullivan Show appearances took place in 1956.
Where in 1956 did Elvis go deep sea fishing while on vacation?
The “Million Dollar Quartet” gathered where for a jam session in December 1956?