What is your element
What is your element
which element are you, find out on this quiz.
which element are you, find out on this quiz.

Where would you live out of all of these?
what's your favorite color?
Which is most like you?
what is your hobby?
Which symbol?
Your Element is air, you are calm and your wisdom is just beyond! Many people are in search of you, because you are powerful and many people just really need advice
Many people consider you a bad person, but you are good the world just made you bad. You like to be left alone, but that doesn't work well while everybody's hunting you down.
You are Earth! You are caring for all animals and motherly to all creatures, many people envy your beauty, but you are just looking for love.
You are water! You are calm, but also so troubled you envy the earth element, and usually get in fights with fire element despite that people fall for your beauty and men are head over heals in love you.
you are light! You are kind to all and love all things good or evil, you are thee mother of earth. Many people envy your power, but others seek your wisdom.
You are fire! You are angered easily especially by the water element, you get into fights with all the elements, otherwise you have lots of knowledge and beauty