Which Character Are You In Cinderella's Fairy Tale?
Which Character Are You In Cinderella's Fairy Tale?

Are you quick to anger?
What role do you usually take in group projects?
What do you want to do right now?
Do you consider yourself to be funny?
Are you more of an optimist or pessimist?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What is your best quality?
You are Cinderella, the stepdaughter-turned-servant-turned-princess. She had a tough life but is known for her positive attitude and wishful thinking. Like Cinderella, you are optimistic and a dreamer. You love to daydream but are also mature, independent, and smart. You are brave and patient when facing adversity and never let anyone see you sad or angry. You can be sarcastic and witty in small doses, but most people would describe you as sweet and wonderful.
Prince Charming
Prince Charming
You are Prince Charming, Cinderella's love interest and key to happily ever after. He is not just charming but also down-to-Earth and respectable. Like Prince Charming, you have high standards when it comes to personalities, not physical appearances. You see people for who they truly are and love good, old-fashioned romance. You have a sensitive side but are also rebellious and funny. You know what you want and do not let anyone tell you how to live your life.
You are Gus, one of Cinderella's lovable mouse friends! Gus is a bit of an airhead, but in a cute way. Like him, you are known for being a great friend. Gus likes to put up his fists when he feels his friends are being threatened, and you would approve of this action. You are tough and defensive when you need to be, and everyone can rely on you to protect them. You also love to eat and value mealtimes over most other parts of the day.
You are Jaq, the leader of Cinderella's group of mouse friends. You are a leader just like Jaq. You are brave and always stick up for your friends. You are also quick, both mentally and physically. You have street smarts, which help to get you out of all of the tricky situations that you get yourself into. You can also get out by running as fast as you can!
Grand Duke
Grand Duke
You are Grand Duke, the brains and reason behind Cinderella's tiny kingdom. Both Prince Charming and the King have high expectations of romance, but the Grand Duke keeps them in check. He is realistic and usually calm, although he can get nervous and clumsy at times. Like the Grand Duke, you are smart and good at keeping peace. You are also a loyal friend and worker. Everyone can always rely on you!
Fairy Godmother
Fairy Godmother
You are the Fairy Godmother, the symbol of hope in "Cinderella." The Fairy Godmother exists to make other people's dreams come true, which is the way you want to live your life. You love to take care of people and are very gentle, kind, genuine, and optimistic. You would be a great parent and parent-figure to your friends. You also have a silly side, and are not the best at remembering things, like where you put your cell phone five minutes ago (or the spell to turn Cinderella into a princess for the night).