Which "Trainwreck" Character Are You?
Which "Trainwreck" Character Are You?
We all want to be LeBron James, right?
We all want to be LeBron James, right?

On a scale from 1 to 5, how emotional are you?
Which hobby would you most enjoy?
What trait describes you best?
What gets in the way of your professional success or might one day?
Would you describe yourself as a romantic?
How often do you go out drinking?
You are Steven, Amy's boyfriend at the beginning of the movie played by professional wrestler John Cena. Like Steven, you appear to be tough and to have it all together. However, you are sensitive and caring on the inside. You are always nice to people and expect them to give you the same respect back, which causes you to be somewhat blind-sighted when people take advantage of you. Additionally, you take care of your body and love to stay active.
Amy Townsend
Amy Townsend
You are Amy, the star of "Trainwreck" played by Amy Schumer. Amy is a writer who loves to party and hates sports. Like Amy, you love to have fun and do not care about your reputation. You are confident, independent, funny, and sometimes lack a filter. You like to avoid emotions and get rather flustered when you start to feel real feelings. You are great at what you do and don't need a significant other to make you feel valuable.
You are Dianna, the editor of S'nuff magazine played by Tilda Swinton. S'nuff is a fictional men's magazine that publishes articles about things like if garlic makes semen taste differently. To publish articles like this, you'd have to have a great sense of humor. However, Dianna is very serious and cynical. You have her funny and serious sides. You are also confident and unemotional, which can get you far in life, just like this successful magazine editor.
Kim Townsend
Kim Townsend
You are Kim, the main character Amy's sister played by Brie Larson. Unlike the rest of the people in this movie, Kim is actually normal. She lives in the suburbs and has a husband, stepson, and a baby on the way. Like Kim, you are rational, patient, and caring. You are a great parent, or will be if you have kids in the future. You are loving and forgiving, always trying to be a good family member and friend even when you are unhappy with the way other people are behaving.
Dr. Aaron Conners
Dr. Aaron Conners
You are Dr. Aaron Conners, Amy's love interest and best friend of basketball player LeBron James. Aaron is a sports doctor who works mainly with the New York Knicks, and is loved by his friends and patients. Like Aaron, you have more success in your work life than in your love life because that is how you prioritize them. You are nice, smart, and an all-around great person!
LeBron James
LeBron James
You are basketball player LeBron James! In "Trainwreck," LeBron is a professional athlete who is best friends with his doctor (Dr. Conners) and watches "Downton Abbey" regularly. He is a sweetie. Like LeBron's character, you care so much about your friends and only want them to be happy. You are also a romantic and love to see your friends in relationships! Even though you are talented and successful, you treat everyone as your equals.