Which Evil Watermelon Are You?
Which Evil Watermelon Are You?
Ever wondered which evil watermelon is the most like you? Come on, admit it! Well, press let's play to find out!
Ever wondered which evil watermelon is the most like you? Come on, admit it! Well, press let's play to find out!

Do you speak a lot?
Your friends would describe you as...
Do you like watermelons?
How old are you?
What's your evil trick?
What's your favourite sport?
Big Mouth
Big Mouth
You're the watermelon with the big mouth! You eat everything in sight - that's your evil talent! You're feared by all watermelons in the land but you're also quite sensitive and funny.
Evil Pig
Evil Pig
You're the evil watermelon pig! You may look cute but you're actually quite dangerous. Other watermelons may be tempted to pet you but they better beware because you bite!
Grandpa Watermelon
Grandpa Watermelon
You're Grandpa Watermelon! Everyone looks to you for evil wisdom because you're the oldest watermelon in the world! You may be old but that certainly doesn't get in the way of your evil powers!