Are You Ready for College?

Going to college is fun, but are you up for the challenge? Let this quiz help you find out!

This quiz is brought to you by Queensborough Community College/CUNY.

Emily Davenport
Created by Emily Davenport(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 5, 2017

You’re having trouble studying for a test. What do you do about it?

How are you at managing money?

How do you feel about meeting lots of new people?

How good are you at time management and staying on top of your school work?

How do you handle stress?

How do you handle peer pressure in situations that make you uncomfortable?

Do you ever make time to take care of yourself?

Do you feel ready for college?



You are totally ready to go to away to college! You know that there will be bumps along the way, but you can handle it. Best of luck to you!

Sort of!

Sort of!

You're sort of ready to go away! We get it, going away to school can be scary, but you can most likely handle what it takes to leave home. However, if you still feel uncomfortable with leaving home, maybe stay local for a year or two to get your bearings and then give going away to school a shot!



You're not ready to leave home just yet. Listen, college bears a lot more responsibility than high school, and sometimes you aren't ready to go away when everyone expects you to. And that's totally okay! Stay home, get a job, stay local, what ever works best for you! Brush up on those life skills so you can be ready to leave home someday.

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