In Which Generation Do You Really Belong?
In Which Generation Do You Really Belong?
You may have been born in the wrong time... So when SHOULD you have made your world-debut?
You may have been born in the wrong time... So when SHOULD you have made your world-debut?

What is your favorite music genre?
Where do you need to be economically to be satisfied with your lifestyle?
What part of politics are you most concerned with?
How involved do you get in the political process?
Do you consider yourself to be religious?
Which of these do you think is the worst quality?
How often do you work out/play a sport?
Think about it, do you spend more time talking to your friends in real life or on the phone/internet?
What's the most important to you?
You should be a Millennial, someone who was born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s. This generation is still growing up, so historians cannot completely categorize them as a whole. However, it is thought that they are engaged, team players, tolerant, and confident. You have all of these great characteristics and others. You think wealth is important, but you are not so concerned with the meaning of life, religion, or politics.
Generation X
Generation X
You belong in Generation X, the generation of people born between the early 1960s and early 1980s, who grew up with John Hughes films and MTV. These people are known for being family oriented, well-educated, active, and happy. You truly understand the importance of being well-rounded in every aspect of your life. You like to have fun, but you also care about your community. You believe in human dignity and rights for all!
Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers
You truly belong with the Baby Boomers, the people born between the mid 1940s and the mid 1960s. Baby Boomers loved watching TV ("Gilligan's Island!") and listening to rock and roll. They were known for their privilege and consumerism. You would have loved to live in this time because you appreciate having money. You also care about social causes, like the Baby Boomers who fought for sexual freedom and civil rights. You care about individualism and redefining old-fashioned traditions.
Greatest Generation
Greatest Generation
You should be a part of the "Greatest Generation," the generation of people born between 1901 and 1924. Also known as the "G.I. Generation," these people came of age during the Great Depression and fought in World War II. You would enjoy the "Greatest Generation" values. They fought in the war because they felt it was the right thing to do, and their hard work truly made America a better place. They valued American politics and religion and did not place much importance on wealth.
Silent Generation
Silent Generation
You should be in the Silent Generation, a.k.a. a part of the "lucky few." This is a small generation because it categorizes people born between 1925 and 1942, during the Great Depression and World War II. While it is small, many great people belonged to this generation, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Beat Generation. You belong because you are ambitious and hard-working. You care about power and status, and you are also patriotic and would have been trusting of the government back in the 30s, 40s, and 50s.
Generation Z
Generation Z
You are so modern, you belong in Generation Z, the generation of people born from the early 2000s to now! It's hard to characterize them because they are all under 20-years-old, but these kids are comfortable with the internet and aren't as in to books and sports as past generations. You enjoy talking to your friends virtually more than in person and doing many things at once. You are pragmatic, independent, and like to get everything done as quickly as possible.