What Type Of Beautiful Insect Are You?
What Type Of Beautiful Insect Are You?
We're confident the result won't BUG you!
We're confident the result won't BUG you!

Pick a color:
If you were a bug, what would you do all day?
Are you more interested in art or sports?
What best describes your high school clique?
Pick a ladybug:
How often do you speak with your closest family member who you don't live with?
Pick a meal:
What is your gender?
How far have you flown from home?
Do you spend more time with your family, friends, or alone?
Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly
You are a Monarch Butterfly, the King of the Butterflies! You are a Monarch because people look up to you. You are a leader and love to be involved in many things at once, like the Monarch, which if you live in North America, you see everywhere. You also love to travel, like this butterfly that migrates south every winter and has even traveled to the International Space Station, where it was bred. You have a serious case of wanderlust and would love to see the world (and beyond).
You are a Dragonfly, a beautiful insect that comes in a variety of magnificent colors. You are a Dragonfly because you are athletic. These insects are agile fliers and can migrate across an entire ocean if they want to. You are also brave and strong, two characteristics of the Dragonfly. This insect is used as medicine in Japan and China, which is very fitting for you because your strength allows you to heal quickly when something is getting you down, and you make all of your friends feel better just by being present.
Japanese Beetle
Japanese Beetle
You are a Japanese Beetle, this iridescent copper and green bug. You are this beetle because you are a force to be reckoned with. You do what you want with little care to what other people think, just like these bugs that are pests to hundreds of plants in North America. You also appreciate the value of eating, like these bugs who eat the leaves and fruits of plants, not just one or the other. While you don't care what other people think, you can also be clumsy at times, mostly because your chill attitude causes you to not pay enough attention to what is going on around you.
Madagascan sunset moth
Madagascan sunset moth
You are the Madagascan sunset moth, a beautiful insect with iridescent wings displaying the colors of a sunset. This is the bug for you because you appreciate the finer things in life. This moth is highly sought after by collectors and was used to make jewelry in the Victorian Era. To the people of Madagascar, where this bug originates, it represents nobility and the soul of their ancestors. You are a beautiful person who has tastes and grace above others and has always been very popular.
Flower Beetle
Flower Beetle
You are a Flower Beetle, a uniquely iridescent green, red, and purple bug. This bug represents you because you are a family person. The Flower Beetle is highly fertile and is a popular pet in its native land, so it is always around family. It also appreciates good food, eating fruit and flowers, not one or the other. Of course you are the beautiful beetle that loves spending time with family and eats great food!
Picasso Bug
Picasso Bug
You are the Picasso Bug, a.k.a. a sphaerocoris annulus or Zulu Hud Bug, nicknamed Picasso because its beautiful shield back looks like it could have been painted by the artist. This tiny African bug eats fruit and emits a strong odor when it is getting defensive. While you may not be extremely odorous, you are the Picasso Bug because you love art! You are fascinated by its exotic design and would be honored to be a bug named after the great Pablo Picasso.