Which Funny Crayon Color Are You?
Which Funny Crayon Color Are You?
Mango Tango? Alien Armpit? Where do you fall outside the traditional rainbow?
Mango Tango? Alien Armpit? Where do you fall outside the traditional rainbow?

What would you have drawn with crayons if you were an artistic kid?
What can't you leave the house without?
Pick an outfit:
How long do you spend getting ready in the morning?
Which classic crayon name speaks to your soul?
What's your favorite movie genre?
Do you prefer drawing with crayons or markers?
Mango Tango!
Mango Tango!
You are Mango Tango, the funny crayon name that elicits the thought of two tropical fruits dancing the tango together. You are Mango Tango because you have that laid-back, fun-loving personality. You would love to live in a world where you could just tango all day and not actually have to do work or school. You believe in pursuing your passions and making peace instead of war. You also love to eat fruit, like any Mango Tango would!
You are Razzmatazz, the crayon that is a deep raspberry pink and the word that means, "noisy and exciting activity meant to attract attention." You have been known to be a loud person, because you get excited easily and do not mind attracting attention in the least bit. You love life and your presence causes everyone around you to get excited about life as well. You are a passionate person who tries to stay busy, and you often find yourself trying to get a million things done at once.
Princess Perfume!
Princess Perfume!
You are Princess Perfume, that bubblegum pink crayon from Crayola's Silly Scents pack! You are a girly girl who cares about looking and smelling good. You would love to smell the way you think a Princess smells. You may be a little high maintenance, but that is necessary to giving off the great impression that you want to give off. You are sweet and caring and have a happy personality that makes other people always want to be around you.
You are Mauvelous, a purple crayon named after the color that was named after the mallow flower. Like a flower, you are beautiful, fragile, and marvelous, even though you would never admit it. You are a great person because you are sensitive and truly care about others. You go out of your way to improve the lives of those around you, and people truly think that you are wonderful.
Alien Armpit!
Alien Armpit!
You are Alien Armpit, the grass green crayon from Crayola's Silly Scents pack! You may not smell like an alien's armpit, but you would think it was hilarious if you smelled an alien's armpit and it actually did smell like you. You are a funny person who does not take yourself too seriously. You believe that there is some sort of intelligent alien life form somewhere because you are not self-centered enough to think that humans are the best things out there. You have a great imagination and always know how to have fun!
Sasquatch Socks!
Sasquatch Socks!
You are Sasquatch Socks, a deep red color from Crayola's Silly Scents pack! So what are Sasquatch's socks like? They are probably big, fuzzy, and warm. You are a nice and welcoming person with a big personality! You would love to help warm up a Sasquatch's feet because you like to help and would think it was really cool to see a Sasquatch. You have a creative and open mind and are interested in fantasy and urban legends.