Which Helena Bonham Carter Character Are You?
Which Helena Bonham Carter Character Are You?
Which combination of crazy and alluring are you!?
Which combination of crazy and alluring are you!?

Do you consider yourself a romantic?
What position are you usually in a friend group?
What is your favorite movie genre?
What do you like to do for fun?
How often did you get in trouble growing up?
How is your self-confidence?
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
Bellatrix Lestrange
Bellatrix Lestrange
You are Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort's most loyal Death Eater in the Harry Potter series. Bellatrix may be sadistic and insane, but that is not why you are like her! You share her better qualities, like her passion. You are fiercely loyal and do not give up on things you love. You are also a great leader, smart, and can be powerful if you want to be. You may have come from a privileged background, but that in no way made you lazy or ungrateful.
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth
You are Queen Elizabeth in the 2010 film "The King's Speech." In this movie, the young Queen Elizabeth is dealing with her husband's speech impediment and sudden crowning as King of England. She is traditional and polite on the outside, yet strong-willed and determined on the inside. You also have these great qualities of a supportive wife, independent person, and respected British royalty. You are smart and confident. You know how to get what you want by working hard and by pleasing people with your sweet manner.
Marla Singer
Marla Singer
You are Helena Bonham Carter as Marla Singer from the 1999 film "Fight Club." Marla is a very unique character who the protagonist meets at a support group for a disease she doesn't have, because attending random support groups is "cheaper than a movie, and there's free coffee." Like Marla, you have a badass attitude and love to utilize sarcasm. You do whatever you want as dramatically as you want and do not give in to societal expectations.
Lucy Honeychurch
Lucy Honeychurch
You are Lucy Honeychurch from "A Room with a View," the 1985 film based off of the novel of the same name. Lucy is a young woman trying to find herself while being restricted by her Victorian society. Like Lucy, you have always been a kind and attractive rule-follower with some sass building up inside of you. When the time is right, you can be feisty, and people love you for this! You are growing up and figuring out how to be yourself.
Dr. Julia Hoffman
Dr. Julia Hoffman
You are Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Julia Hoffman from the 2012 horror comedy "Dark Shadows." Dr. Hoffman is the Collins family's live-in psychiatrist who aways seems to be drunk or taking pills. You also like to take care of people and have fun at the same time. You love yourself and your hilarious personality. You don't shy away from spooky things, like ghosts and vampire blood!
Emily, the Corpse Bride
Emily, the Corpse Bride
You are Emily from Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride." Emily may be an undead corpse, but she is actually a charming character. This movie is a love story about a man who is about to get married to his beloved fiance accidentally getting married to Emily, who is lonely and instantly loves him. Like Emily, you have a wide range of emotions. When you are happy, you are extremely positive and charismatic, but when you are upset, you feel like the world is ending. You are well-liked because you are sweet and beautiful, and you love music and dancing!