How bad at your job are you?
How bad at your job are you?
How long is it before you're inevitably fired?
How long is it before you're inevitably fired?
How often do you turn up to work hungover?
Your boss gives you a deadline: what happens?
Be honest: do your colleagues hate you?
How many alarms does it take you to get up for work?
What proportion of your working day do you spend on social media?
Your colleague is mega stressed about a project - what do you do?
You hand in an important report: what does your boss say?
Do you actually know what your job is?
How many times a day do you hide in the toilet to avoid work?
Do you actually like your job?
You're great at your job
You're great at your job
Well done - you are legitimately good at your job. You're competent, you're hard working and you actually seem to know what you're doing. Good work!
You are not that bad at your job
You are not that bad at your job
You're not doing too badly! So you get distracted sometimes and accidentally spend 45 minutes in a procrastination hole reading serial killer articles on Wikipedia. But you get the work done eventually, and that's all that matters. Kind of.
You're not that great at your job
You're not that great at your job
I're not doing so badly you're going to get fired, but could you not put a bit more effort in, mate?
Maybe you don't like your job role or want to work in another industry; maybe you are simply a very lazy person. Either way: pull your socks up.
You are crap at your job
You are crap at your job
Sorry, buddy, but you are... not good at your job. Whether it's turning up hungover (or still drunk), failing to hit deadlines, spending all day on social media or pissing off your colleagues, you are not doing well.
Quit before you get fired, mate. Quit before you get fired.