Do You Remember The Movie 'Bugsy Malone'?
Do You Remember The Movie 'Bugsy Malone'?
"We could have been anything that we wanted to be..."
"We could have been anything that we wanted to be..."

Who was the starring actress?
What was the average age of the actors in the movie?
What was the name of this character?
What was Bugsy's job in the film?
What substance did the guns shoot?
Who does Tallulah say this to? "If I didn't look this good, you wouldn't give me the time of day"
Finish the lyrics: "We could of been anything that we wanted to be,
With all the talent we had,
With little practice we made every black list,...."
What song are they dancing to?
What happens to Fat Sam's gang?
How does Bugsy find new gang member, Leroy?
Where does Blousey dream of going to with Bugsy?
Where do they go to recruit new gang members?
Who stops the end fight and how?
"You give a little love... And it all comes back to you... "