Which Virtue Team Member Would Be Your Ideal Roommate?
Which Virtue Team Member Would Be Your Ideal Roommate?
Find out which Virtue team member's alarm you would wake up to every morning.
Find out which Virtue team member's alarm you would wake up to every morning.

What is your interior decorating style?
What are the staple items in your closet?
What type of music do you like the most?
What is your typical bedtime routine?
What is your favorite midnight snack?
What would be your ideal pet?
What do you do on a typical weekend?
Kelby's laid-back and fun-loving attitude will be the best addition to your home. You two will have a blast cheering on your favorite Cleveland sports teams, exploring vegetarian restaurants around Columbus, and watching WWE!
Claire's openness, and matter-of-fact sense of humor make her the perfect fit for you! She will make the best roommate, chef, and work-out buddy!
If you're looking for a considerate, loyal roommate who will stay up all hours of the night with you watching old films and drinking whisky, you've met your match!
With Louie as a roommate, you'll always have someone who will be there to listen and cheer you up with a quick-witted comment and a hug!
With endless stories and jokes, there will never be a dull moment with Zoey as a roommate. Extra perk-- sharing her never-ending closet!