Quadra Values Test (Socionics)
Quadra Values Test (Socionics)
Socionics quadrant value test based on sociotype.com.
Socionics quadrant value test based on sociotype.com.

Are you more inclined to make evaluations by...
Do you tend to...
Do you work best in...
Do you tend to favor...
Are you more deeply concerned with:
Do you want to believe success is mainly a result of....
Do you enjoy participating in a group focused on...
Are you more inclined to...
Do you give more value to...
Do you tend to...
Beta Quadra
Beta Quadra
Ti blocked with Se
Beta quadra types prefer situations where the power structure and hierarchy is clearly defined according to consistent rules where ambiguities are minimized.
Beta quadra types are more confident analysing realistic characteristics of situations, people, and objects, rather than alternative and could-it-be scenarios.
Beta quadra types are inclined to attribute to a new acquaintance traits that they have previously observed in other individuals belonging to the same group as they see the new acquaintance as belonging to (Aristocracy).
Beta quadra types are inclined to look for general rules explaining people, politics, mechanisms and trends, rules that once defined can be applied generally, rather than go about things in a case-by-case way.
Beta quadra types are energized by competitive situations where analytical tactics are emphasized.
Fe blocked with Ni
Beta types tend to enjoy group activities where the whole group participates in generating a common emotional atmosphere, as in laughing at jokes, etc.
Beta types tend to feel energized in the presence of people who share their beliefs and express them with obvious enthusiasm and emotion.
Beta types tend to give more value to feelings when they are demonstrated with clear emotional expression, and tend to increase the level of their own emotional expression in order to get a reaction from other people.
Beta types tend to describe personal views of special meaning with "poetic" or "dramatic" expressions and language.
Beta types are often deeply concerned about social issues and the direction the world is heading. They believe that apathy is a significant cause of societal problems, and work to fight against it.
- See more at: http://sociotype.com/socionics/quadras/Beta#sthash.lPHp7XcO.dpuf
Gamma Quadra
Gamma Quadra
Te blocked with Ni
Gamma types take a longer-term view regarding efficiency and profitability, giving lower priority to the short term. Likewise, they tend to aim at the broader benefits of decisions, rather than only at those affecting themselves, giving them an inclination for self-sacrifice.
Gamma types like to talk about where present trends are leading in terms of potentially profitable events and undertakings.
Gamma types tend to give more value to ideas and concepts that are firmly connected to factual information.
Fi blocked with Se
Gamma types take a hard-line approach regarding ethical principles and the punishment, even revenge, on those who break them.
Gamma types place high value on personal loyalty, once they feel a close relationship has been established.
Gamma types like to discuss personal relationships in a realistic manner and are skeptical that "jerks" can ever become "nice people", for instance.
- See more at: http://sociotype.com/socionics/quadras/Gamma#sthash.qnksT0Eg.dpuf
Delta Quadra
Delta Quadra
Te blocked with Si
Delta types make a point of talking about the rationale behind their actions and emphasizing the productiveness or unproductiveness of different ways of doing things - even in such emotional areas as personal relationships.
Delta types value peaceful, refreshing activities where they are doing something useful and balancing out their inner world at the same time.
Delta types have the philosophy that they will have to rely on their own industriousness to achieve their goals rather than on luck, speculation, group effort, or strong leadership.
Ne blocked with Fi
Delta types love to share personal experience mixed with their own sentiments regarding their experiences, but all in an insightful and non-dramatic manner.
Delta types like to talk about new beginnings, opportunities for personal growth, and their plans and prospects for the future.
- See more at: http://sociotype.com/socionics/quadras/Delta#sthash.RzqWon9w.dpuf
Alpha Quadra
Alpha Quadra
Ti blocked with Ne
Alpha types are inclined to discuss highly theoretical concepts as a source of intellectual stimulation and fun rather than for their practical merits. Alpha types tend to value logically consistent beliefs and ideas, and behavior that is consistent with personal values. Alpha types typically follow through on their ideas in the form of group activity.
Fe blocked with Si
Alpha types tend to enjoy participating in groups where there is free exchange of positive emotional expression in an atmosphere pleasing to the senses.
Alpha types are inclined to discuss stories told in detail and according to the sequence in which events happened, rather than "jump to the point" quickly.
Alpha types are inclined to show affection for others in the form of small practical services or gifts.
Alpha types tend to feel energized in the positive atmosphere of special events, such as public holidays, parties and special celebrations.
- See more at: http://sociotype.com/socionics/quadras/Alpha#sthash.71oVBgNR.dpuf