What's your patronus?
What's your patronus?
Find out what your Harry Potter patronus really is!
Find out what your Harry Potter patronus really is!

Favorite Harry Potter Character
What is your favorite color?
What Hogwarts house are you in?
What job do you want when you're older?
Who is your Harry Potter crush?
Which Patronus do you want?
Congratulations! You're patronus is a cat! It represents a balance of strength in both physical and spiritual, physic and sensual powers, merging these two worlds into one. Curious, intelligent, and physically adept, you tend to live in a world all your own.
Congratulations! You're patronus is a Dolphin! Communication, intelligence, emotion. Dolphin people tend to be sociable, playful, and kind. Dolphin people teach others to be motivated, inquisitive, and full of life. They also don't take themselves too seriously.
You have a very rare patronus... the thestral! You are mysterious, unseen, but yet at the same time, brave and have ambition. Many people cannot see you. You tend to float away from the popular group. (you also have the same patronus as me!)
Congratulations! Your patronus is a horse! Dance, emotional, intelligence, freedom, wisdom. Horse people often find a happy balance between strong social and family ties and a fiercely independent streak. Horse people are full of gentle healing, nurturing care, and a sense of freedom body and mind.
Dependable, graceful, diligent. Your patronus is a swan! You tend to make sure that everyone is at their happiest and you also make sure everyone is having a good time. You may be a little shy but after a while you can be the life of the party!