English for Business.
English for Business.

1. You are in a business meeting negotiating a new contract with an important client. After hearing your price, they say ‘That’s a deal breaker for us’.
What do they mean?
2. You have asked for a discount from the company which provides your office with IT support. They reply to your email saying, ‘We can’t budge ’.
What do they mean?
3. Your boss tells you to ‘go the extra mile’ for a special client.
What do they mean?
4. In a business meeting, your new idea for a great product was ‘shot down’.
What happened?
5. Fighting an ‘uphill battle’ means:
6. To ‘learn the ropes’ means:
You overhear your manager talking about a colleague, saying, ‘That’s the last straw’. How is your manager feeling?
8. Your co-worker says, ‘It was a tough break when Ben quit.'
What does she mean?
9. ‘Let’s go back to the drawing board’ means:
10. To do something ‘by the book’ means: