How well do you know the lyrics to U2's 'One'?

It's one of their best-known songs, but could you sing it without the words in front of you?
Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
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OK, let's kick this thing off. The first line of U2's 'One' starts with: "Is it getting better, or do you feel the...

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"Will it make it easier on you now, that you've got....

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"You say one love, one life, when it's one need...

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"One love, we get to share it. It leaves you baby, if...

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"Did I disappoint you, or leave a bad...

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"You act like you never had love, now you want me...

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"Well, it's too late tonight to drag...

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"We're one but we're not the same, we get to...

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"Have you come here for forgiveness, or have you come to...

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"Have you come here to play Jesus to...

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"Did I ask too much, more than a lot / You gave me nothing, now...

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"We're one, but we're not the same / Well, we hurt each other then...

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"You say 'Love is a temple, love the higher..."

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"You ask me to enter, and then you... "

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"And I can't keep holding on to what you've got, when all you've got is...

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"One love / One blood / One life, you've got to...

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"One life, with each other...

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"One life, but we're not the same...

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