What was the name of Princess Leia's ship?
What was the name of Princess Leia's ship?

What was the name of Princess Leia's ship?
What had taken place just before the opening scene of 'A New Hope'?
How were Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru really related to Luke Skywalker?
What did Luke Skywalker believe his father did during the Clone Wars, before Obi-Wan told him the truth (from a certain point of view)?
According to Obi-Wan Kenobi, what town was referred to as a "wretched hive of scum and villainy"?
How much did Han Solo want to fly Obi-Wan and Luke to Alderaan?
How much did Obi-Wan offer instead?
What alien species did Greedo belong to?
Which of these actors did NOT audition for the role of Princess Leia?
George Lucas originally wanted what famous actor to voice Darth Vader?
What was Luke Skywalker's designation during the assault on the Death Star?
What was the name of the Imperial officer that Darth Vader choked out because he found his "lack of faith disturbing"?
True or false - the actor who played Wedge Antilles is Ewan McGregor's uncle.
What is the run-time of 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope'?
What's the first line from the opening crawl of 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope'?