What classic chocolate bar are you?
What classic chocolate bar are you?
Are you a bit of a Flake or a Starbar?
Are you a bit of a Flake or a Starbar?
You've just robbed a bank, your getaway car is...
There's a zombie apocalypse, do you...
Beyonce calls in for a cuppa, do you...
Somebody has spoiled an episode of Game of Thrones you haven't seen yet, do you...
How do you feel about sharing food?
Your friend asks you to play Pokemon Go with them, do you...
You're not exactly known for your punctuality, and have been known to bow out of plans last minute, however that's usually because you have found something entirely better to do and are guaranteed CRAIC to be around.
Well you're just a bit of a legend really, aren't you? You're always there for your friends when they need you and known for your overall general soundness. Be our mate will you, Starbar?
There's a bit of a bite to you, and you're certainly not afraid to speak your mind, you sassy thing you. That said, you're as sweet as can be on the inside and are mad craic on Fridays.
Double Decker
Double Decker
There's two sides to you - while you may come across as tough as nuts, you're also a big softie. Not to be messed with, but also a great one for a singalong.
You're just a delight. You may be a bit flaky at times but you cover it well. You're also one hell of a dancer.