Casualty Quiz
Casualty Quiz
This quiz is about Casualty's Past and Present Characters and Episodes.
This quiz is about Casualty's Past and Present Characters and Episodes.

Who was the first Clinical Lead?
Which Series are we currently on?
What was Mac's job in the show before he became an emergency care assistant?
Who helped assist Megan's death?
Who was the first character to come from the wards (Holby City) to the ED (Casualty) full time?
When was Dylan's first appearance?
Which character wants to change position in this weeks episode (27/06/2015)?
What series did Tess arrive?
Why did Dixie get suspended?
Who did Zoe have a relationship with first?
Who did Ruth Winters leave with?
Who was the last Holby City Character appeared in Casualty?
When did Fletch leave?
Why did Nick Jordan leave?
Who is the latest past character who returned?
How did Iain and Sam know each other?
Where did long-running character Lisa 'Duffy' Duffin move to?
Who is the Casualty's Executive and Series Producer?
Which Paramedic died first?
When was the first episode aired of Casualty?