Can We Guess Your Favorite Book Genre?
Can We Guess Your Favorite Book Genre?
You are what you read.
You are what you read.

Pick a form of ice cream.
Where would we find you reading?
How did the last book you read make you feel?
What color are you most likely to dye your hair?
Choose an emoji.
What type of music are you listening to?
Which superhero do you most identify with?
Our trusted Epic Reads oracle has informed us you are a fantasy reader! You're all about stories with magic and high-developed, fantastical worlds. Because you love that anything is possible in books.
Think we guessed wrong? Why don't you try SNOW LIKE ASHES by Sara Raasch and see if fantasy becomes your *new* favorite genre.
Oh, you hopeless romantic, you! We love that you love books that love love. Your favorite genre is romance, because you were in no way off put with the high use of 'love' in that last sentence. And most importantly, because you appreciate books that delve into all the different kinds of love in this world.
Think we guessed wrong? Try out THE FILL-IN BOYFRIEND by Kasie West and see if romance is your *new* favorite genre.
You are the chosen one, dystopian reader. The world as we know it could crumble at any moment, and it's your love for this genre that will make all just. You enjoy dystopian books because of the mixture of action with deep, moral dilemmas.
Think we guessed wrong? Try the UNDER THE NEVER SKY series by Veronica Rossi and see if dystopian is your *new* favorite genre.
We cracked the case! Mysteries and thrillers are your favorite types of books to read! Whether you're trying to solve a crime or attempting to take down the villain yourself, you love mysteries/thrillers because of the high-stakes tension and suspense.
Think we guessed wrong? Try the BLACKBIRD duology by Anna Carey and see if mystery/thriller is your *new* favorite genre.
When it comes to books, you like to keep things real. Realistic, that is. You enjoy books with a strong voice, that open conversations about contemporary and real issues. This is your favorite genre because they help you learn about yourself and the real world around you.
Think we guessed wrong? Try ANATOMY OF A MISFIT by Andrea Portes and see if contemporary is your *new* favorite genre.
Four score and seven years ago, you discovered your love for historical novels. You enjoy stories with rich settings and authentic atmospheres that transport you to the past. Because you know vintage isn't a fad, it's a way of life.
Think we guessed wrong? Try THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER trilogy by Meghan Shepherd and see if historical fiction is your *new* favorite genre.