Which Fairy Tale Heroine Are You?

If only life were just like a fairy tale... we'd have fairy godmothers to offer fashion tips, lots of guys who hang on our every word, and hair that's naturally beautiful without having to spend an hour styling it. Discover your fairy tale heroine alter ego now!

Epic Reads
Created by Epic Reads (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 13, 2015

How do you feel about animals?

How do you spend your free time?

You've been unfairly grounded and left home alone. What do you do?

What are you looking for in your Prince Charming?

What's your idea of a perfect date?

What do you most want out of life?

OMG you died! What do you want to be reincarnated as?

You are Cinderella!

You are Cinderella!

Congratulations, you’re Cinderella! You work hard and play hard. Make sure you’re clear on when it’s time to knuckle down and when you can take a chance and let loose. If you’re looking for a Cinderella story, we recommend reading BEWITCHING by Alex Flinn.

You are Snow White!

You are Snow White!

Congratulations, you’re Snow White! You’re a wholesome, social person who is easy-going and makes friends easily. Just watch out for any bad apples that might spoil your fairy tale. If you’re looking for the fairest tale of them all, go read MIRRORED by Alex Flinn.

You are Rapunzel!

You are Rapunzel!

Congratulations, you’re Rapunzel! You’ve got a big imagination and know how to take care of yourself, but it wouldn’t hurt you to climb out of your comfort zone once in a while. If you’re looking for tales of girls in tall towers, we recommend reading TOWERING by Alex Flinn.

You are Aurora!

You are Aurora!

Congratulations, you’re Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty! You’ve got a lot of spunk and a thirst for adventure, but don’t go breaking too many rules – and watch out for spindles! If you want a read to break the spell, go read A KISS IN TIME by Alex Flinn.

You are Belle!

You are Belle!

Congratulations, you’re Belle from Beauty and the Beast! You are the perfect combination of beauty (wink wink) and brains and all you really want in life is to be left alone so you can keep reading. And since you're the literary type, we suggest you read BEASTLY by Alex Flinn!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021