Which Planet Are You Actually From?
Which Planet Are You Actually From?
You and your siblings need to sit down right now and take this quiz if you’re convinced that there is just no way you guys are from the same planet. You’re probably right.
You and your siblings need to sit down right now and take this quiz if you’re convinced that there is just no way you guys are from the same planet. You’re probably right.

Are you always hot or always cold?
What's the average length of your relationships?
Pick a Space pun
How many people are in your squad?
What's your favorite space movie?
How would your friends describe you?
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Pick a Space Food
You are from Mercury
You are from Mercury
Looks like you were right, no chance you and your siblings are the same species. You're from Mercury. Next time you visit your home planet, make sure to bring Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth, a new YA novel set in space, for the long journey home!
You are from Venus
You are from Venus
You are Venus, You are Fire, You are *Everyones desire*. Look's like you were right- you're outta this world! Next time you visit your home planet, make sure to bring Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth, a new YA novel set in space, for the long journey home!
You are from Earth
You are from Earth
Greetings Earthling! You're from planet Earth so it looks like you and your siblings are one in the same species. #Congratulationsyouplayedyourself. Since you are already home, get your craving for outer space satisfied with Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth!
You are from Mars
You are from Mars
SOMEONE CALL NASA BECAUSE WE JUST FOUND PROOF THAT THERE IS LIFE ON MARS! Next time you visit your home planet, make sure to bring Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth, a new YA novel set in space, for the long journey!
You are from Jupiter
You are from Jupiter
#Jupiterisnotstupider. you know because that's your homeland! Next time you visit your planet, make sure to bring Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth, a new YA novel set in space, for the long journey ahead of you!
You are from Saturn
You are from Saturn
We knew you were special. You're from the holiest planet-God liked Saturn, so they put a ring on it! Next time you visit your home planet, make sure to bring Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth, a new YA novel set in space, for the long journey ahead!
You are from Uranus
You are from Uranus
Looks like you'll be doing a lot of moon-ing because UR FROM URANUS! Next time you visit your home planet, make sure to bring Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth, a new YA novel set in space, for the long journey home!
You are from Neptune
You are from Neptune
You may be from a big ball of gas, but you definitely have not let it get to your head. Unlike your friends from other planets, you're stable, logical, and have a bomb personality. Next time you visit your home planet, make sure to bring Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth, a new YA novel set in space, for the long journey home!