How Well Do You Remember Sliding Doors?
How Well Do You Remember Sliding Doors?
Cheer Up. Remember what the Monty Python boys say.
Cheer Up. Remember what the Monty Python boys say.
Created by EPIX (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 8
Why does Helen get fired from her job?
2 / 8
What sporting event does James take Helen to?
3 / 8
One of the incidents that tipped Helen off that Gerry was cheating on her was when she found this object in their laundry basket. . .
4 / 8
Who did James's girlfriend, Pamela, leave him for?
5 / 8
In order to get a good look at the woman Gerry left her for, Lydia does this to meet Helen?
6 / 8
What career advice does James give Helen?
7 / 8
Where do Gerry and Lydia go for their weekend getaway?
8 / 8
James's favorite Monty Python line is. . .
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