Which Band of the Hawk OG Are You?
Which Band of the Hawk OG Are You?

Which text are you?
Are you a leader or a follower?
What is your dream?
How's your love life?
How do you communicate with people?
Are you innocent?
What do you do when someone leaves you?
Do you love yourself?
How social are you?
Cats or dogs?
Are you an idealist or a realist?
Are you organized or messy?
You are Griffith!
You dream big, aim high, and are a natural-born leader. A person of ideals, you focus on what the world should be rather than what it currently is. Organization comes more easily to you, as does socializing, but you may feel that there is something missing in your life. The image you present to others isn't necessarily your true self, and it's possible you're afraid of being vulnerable.
Or you just have cool hair.
You are Guts!
See that dead-eyed stare. That's how you feel, sometimes. It's easier pushing people away than letting them in, and you might be one of the ancient masters of that art. You need friends to push you out of your loner shell, and you see the world as it is. Save idealism for the dreamers. There's something special inside you; you just need to unlock it, first. Your life is a struggle.
Either you have PTSD, or you got this result because dogs are awesome.
You are Judeau!
You're mild-mannered and middle-of-the-road, with a tendency to self-deprecate and undervalue yourself (even though a master of none could also be called a jack of all trades.) Despite this, your friends love and appreciate you, and you're skilled at what you do. You might be unsure of yourself, especially in romance, but you have no reason to be. Go get 'em, tiger.
You are Corkus!
Is that a surprise? Too bad! Though you may be uncouth, your friends know your horniness and sometimes assholish behavior are how you cope with the world. You're the cynical sort, though you do exhibit high self-confidence when you're really feeling it. What you need is some direction. If you had a Twitter, you would likely be called a crackhead.
But you're our crackhead.
You are Rickert!
To put it simply, you are a sugar pie honey bunch. Your friends might call you innocent, or offer to show you the ropes when you don't 'get' something. No matter how old you are, you're the baby of the group. They shouldn't think you're naive, though—you can be quite wise, and you're a healthy, positive person. Some underestimate you, when they could learn a thing or two from your example.
You are Casca!
You're both sensible and strong, though you have a soft center and a bit of a romantic streak. You might be at the center of a love triangle, or the third wheel. People respect and value you, but you still need to be appreciated more. It's hard being a lover AND a fighter, and you have to give each side equal weight. You dish out tough love sometimes, to show you care. You care a whole damn lot!