Are You More Of A Democrat Or Republican?
Are You More Of A Democrat Or Republican?
One fish , two fish, red state, blue state....
One fish , two fish, red state, blue state....

Which of these beverages would you rather drink with a meal?
On a scale of 1-6, how much do you agree with the statement above?
What is the greatest threat facing the world today?
Would you rather live in a world governed by karma or compassion?
How does this picture make you feel?
Which of these are you most likely to eat for breakfast?
Is your living space more cluttered or organized?
The government should deal with poverty by...
100% Republican
100% Republican
You’re definitely a republican! Your values are based on respect for tradition, a preference for small government, low taxes and a desire to strongly uphold ideals of freedom and liberty from sea to shining sea!
So, did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
100% Democrat
100% Democrat
You're a tried and true democrat! Racial, gender and economic equality are values that you hold dear as well as providing for the poor and protecting the environment. If it were up to you, you would limit the extremes of wealth and poverty that exist in the U.S. and you are in favor of universal health care.
So, did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
Moderate: 50% Democrat, 50% Republican
Moderate: 50% Democrat, 50% Republican
Your political beliefs fall in the middle of the spectrum. There is a good chance that you refer to yourself as an "independent" rather than as a democrat or republican and you are neither extreme or radical in your affiliations.
So, did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
75% Democrat, 25% Republican
75% Democrat, 25% Republican
For the most part, you're a democrat who is socially liberal, however a small percentage of your belief system leans more towards the conservative side, especially when it comes to fiscal and economic matters. The most important thing for you is to find a balance between individual liberty and social justice.
So, did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
80% Republican, 20% Democrat
80% Republican, 20% Democrat