How Old Do I Look?
How Old Do I Look?
Age ain't nothing but a number!
Age ain't nothing but a number!

How often do you get carded when purchasing alcohol?
When you look in the mirror, do you see a lot of wrinkles?
Has your hair started turning gray?
How many tattoos do you have?
How would you describe your eating habits?
Do you sometimes find it hard to get up from your chair?
Have you ever had plastic surgery?
Finally, are you generally happy with your appearance?
You Look 49
You Look 49
The truth is, you look 49. But hey, 50 is the new 30, right? And besides, you've lived a very adventurous and exciting life and have many wonderful years ahead of you.
So, did we get it right? SHARE your result and tell us in the comments!
You Look 21
You Look 21
Cheers! You look like a 21 year old! You're always getting carded when you order drinks and people are surprised when they hear your actual age because you look so young!
So, did we get it right? SHARE your result and tell us in the comments!
You Look 35
You Look 35
You look like you're 35! You've been around the block and may have developed a few laugh lines over the years, but you have earned each and every one of them!
So, did we get it right? SHARE your result and tell us in the comments!
You Look 58
You Look 58
You look like you're 58 years old. Now, before you get upset just remember that age ain't nothing but a number and the truth is, you act like you're young at heart anyway!
So, did we get it right? SHARE your result and tell us in the comments!
You Look 87
You Look 87
You look like you're 87 years old. You have experienced a lot in your life and have acquired valuable wisdom and life lessons throughout the decades.
So, did we get it right? SHARE your result and tell us in the comments!
You Look 17
You Look 17
You look like you're 17 years old! What is your secret to staying so youthful? Could it be that you love to laugh or is it thanks to your healthy diet and lifestyle? Either way, good for you!
So, did we get it right? SHARE your result and tell us in the comments!