Which Ice Cream Flavor Are You?
Which Ice Cream Flavor Are You?
In honor of National Ice Cream Day on July 18th, let's have a scoop of you!
In honor of National Ice Cream Day on July 18th, let's have a scoop of you!

Who doesn't love ice cream? It's perfect on the couch while watching a movie, and it is just what you need after a long day outdoors. In fact, ice cream can do no wrong. Three scoops, sprinkles, or wild flavors- we're here for it all. Since we're celebrating all things ice cream, let's find out what flavor best matches your personality. Ready, set, yum.
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Banana Chocolate Chip
Banana Chocolate Chip
You are sweet with a touch of a little spunk. You are likely creative, fun-loving, and a good friend to all.
Funfetti Ice Cream Sandwich
Funfetti Ice Cream Sandwich
Surprise! You're an ice cream sandwich covered in rainbow sprinkles. You are unique and make your own path in life, and we're here for that.
Wasabi ice cream
Wasabi ice cream
Yes, there is such a thing and you are it. You are a little spicy, unexpected, and not afraid to push the limits. Hats off to you, our adventurous friend.
There's an open tub of icing in the fridge, what are you doing with it?