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Seven Disturbing Things In Disney Films That Are Blatantly Obvious

You may have read lists exposing secretly horrifying things about Disney and the films--some perhaps better disguised than others. However, in this list, I take you through disturbing things in Disney films that were staring you in the face.

Spoilers from 'The Little Mermaid', 'Snow White', 'Peter Pan', 'Beauty and the Beast', 'Tangled', 'Frozen', & '101 Dalmatians' ahead.

Erin Flayhan
Created by Erin Flayhan(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 2, 2017

Ariel could have Drowned

In 'The Little Mermaid' (A.D. 1989), Ursula transforms Ariel into a human with legs. This just so happens to take place while Ariel is still underwater--deep in the ocean, inside Ursula's cave. I'm not sure if the transformation included giving Ariel lungs that were meant for taking in only air, but nevertheless, Flounder and Sebastian end up rushing her to the surface as if her life depended on it. That's not to mention the terrified look on Ariel's face when she realizes her swimming abilities are weaker so deep underwater when she has only legs.


The Queen wants to Murder Snow White

Queen Grimhilde LITERALLY gave Snow White a lethal apple (which Grimhilde poisoned herself) in hopes that Snow would die from it, leaving Grimhilde as the fairest of them all. ('Snow White' ~ A.D. 1938)


The Crocodile tries to Eat Captain Hook Alive

If Captain Hook weren't such a fast swimmer, he would have been eaten alive early on in the film 'Peter Pan' (A.D. 1953). The jaws of a crocodile can bite down with a force of over 5,000 pounds per square inch. Forget needing a prosthetic hand--Hook wouldn't even be here after that mouth closed.


An 8-year old is turned into a Cup for ten years

When a witch cursed a selfish-acting prince's ENTIRE household, turning the prince to a beast and the servants to objects (AND bringing original inanimate objects to life) in 'Beauty and the Beast' (A.D. 1991) , life was--different, to say the least. Shall I mention they remained like that for ten years? Those cursed included an 8-year-old boy named Chip, who was turned into a teacup. I've seen many discussions about whether Chip went through puberty--as a cup--or if her remained 8 for all those years. Either way, I predict a lot of adjustment occurred afterward . . . .


Mother Gothel Fatally Stabs Eugene with a Knife

Despite some Disney deaths passing without any blood, when Mother Gothel stabs Eugene with a large, shiny and sharp knife she had stored in a drawer, he surely bleeds--and you can see it all. It's a painful and literally gut-wrenching death--and it's detailed. ('Tangled' ~ A.D. 2010)


While the trolls are singing a song about true love, Anna's heart is Freezing over

Kristoff tried to explain that there was a real emergency, but he was interrupted with a song about why he and Anna should be together. Cool--but I have something even cooler: This girl's heart is freezing over as you sing, and she will die really soon, do you hear? She WILL DIE REALLY SOON. ('Frozen' ~ A.D. 2013)


Cruella wants to Skin Puppies

A bunch of little puppies, and this lady wants to skin them for clothing. ('101 Dalmatians' ~ A.D. 1961)

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