Which Paul Character Are You?
Which Paul Character Are You?
Ever seen the movie 'Paul'? Want to know what character you are? Well, embark on this ten question adventure to find out!
Ever seen the movie 'Paul'? Want to know what character you are? Well, embark on this ten question adventure to find out!

You're about to go on a road trip. Who do you pick to go with?
Okay! So you've started your road trip...but on the first night, you see an alien pop up out of nowhere. What is your reaction?
Alrighty then...but...this alien turns out to be a fugitive...what is your reaction now?
Great, now you have bad guys chasing after you because of this alien. What now?
Okay, good! We're half way there...so let's stop for a break...cause why not? You stop at a pub. What's the first thing you do?
Uh-oh, you're friend has just gotten him/herself in trouble and a pub fight starts off...what now?
We made it away from the pub fight unharmed, luckily...and we've been travelling all day again...so we stop off to camp for the night by a little town. The next morning, what do you do?
Everything was going well that morning...until the villains find you again. So, you end up fleeing again in order to go to an old friend's house...what next?
Oh dear. The villains have returned, again. They decided to blow up the house, so you fled up a mountain. Then you signalled for the alien's family to come rescue him...but the villains turned up again for one last time to try and get rid of you...what do you do?
At last, you and your squad have managed to fight of the villains...you took an awesome group photo and your adventure has come to an end. What is your reaction?
You're Paul the alien! You can sometimes be a little rude, but oh well, you're a good friend. Sometimes you make mistakes, but you make up for it in the end, which is always good. You're respected by all of your friends and they care about you very much. You feel the same way towards them. However, there are some people out there who dislike you...but screw them, right?
Graeme Willy
Graeme Willy
You're Graeme Willy! Don't let the last name put you off. You're an innocent bystander throughout...well...basically every bad situation that comes your way. You go with the flow but at the same time you try your best to add in your own input in order to help your friends. You're respected by all of your friends, but again, there are some people out there who won't get along with you...but don't let that ruin your life. Oh, you're also a pretty big nerd...and that is perfect.
Clive Gollings
Clive Gollings
You're Clive Gollings! You're basically...nerd central. You enjoy your comic books and your video games and you enjoy to prove your beliefs. You're quite open minded when it comes to things like alien life and you won't let people put you down about your beliefs. Sometimes you wonder if you're the only one with common sense in your squad, and to be honest, you probably are.
Ruth Buggs
Ruth Buggs
You're Ruth Buggs! You're basically just a cinnamon roll. A beautiful cinnamon roll that respects God and Jesus. You're definitely the innocent one out of your friends...or so they thought...it turns out that you've got a free side to you that they help to bring out. You're kind, generous and you do care about others, but if people mess with your friends, you will take action...no one messes with your lil homies.
Agent Zoil
Agent Zoil
You're Agent Zoil! You're an intelligent human being and you're extremely loyal to your closest friends. Sometimes, you can put a lot at risk...but it all comes back to you in the end. You try to stick with both sides in order to get what you need...then you'll decide which side is right and which side is wrong. You're a kind hearted person who just wants to help out and do the right thing.
Tara Walton
Tara Walton
You're Tara Walton! You're a strong and independent person with a free spirit. You are very open minded and you will stick by your beliefs, just as you would stick by your friends, no matter what anyone says. You're probably the most sophisticated in your squad...but you're definitely still an adventurous child at heart.
Moses Buggs
Moses Buggs
You're Moses Buggs! You're extremely protective of those who are close to you. You try to keep them safe but to be honest, you really do just need to let go. You're kind hearted, but perhaps a little too kind hearted...but that doesn't matter. As long as Jesus is on your side, you'll be fine.
The Big Guy
The Big Guy
You're The Big Guy! You should be ashamed of yourself. You are such an evil human being. You enjoy crushing people both mentally and physically...you're also resilient, but not in a good way.