Which Hamilton Character Are you?

Like my last quiz for all you Hamilton lovers, we are going to be finding out which Hamilton Character you are!

Molly Anderson
Created by Molly Anderson (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 28, 2017

Do you have any siblings?

Have you found your true love yet?

Are you a psychopath?

Are you or have you ever been the third wheel?

Have you ever thrown away your shot?

Finally, which Hamilton character do you think you are going to get?



You got Eliza!
You are sweet, kind, and beautiful, and will fight for the ones you love. You are brave, loyal, and strong and will never give up.



You got Angelica!
You are the oldest of your siblings, so you are willing to protect and sacrifice the things you love for them. You choose anyone's happiness over yours any day, and that is just another wonderful trait to add to your gorgeous face.



You got Peggy!
The youngest of your siblings, you are kind of left out. You are a rule follower, a good girl. You have a beautiful face, but people can't see it. Keep trying! You will eventually rise to your siblings standards!!!

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton

You Got Alexander Hamilton!
Whoooooo!!!!! Great Job! You will never stop working, writing, and beating the people you despise. You are very good looking, and the ladies go CRAZY for you! Keep going kid!

Aaron Burr, Sir!

Aaron Burr, Sir!

You got Aaron Burr!
You are cool as a cucumber, and will never get angry at your enemies unless they do something to ruin you. You are always willing to wait for it, and you will always have a good heart.

Philip Hamilton

Philip Hamilton

You got Philip Hamilton!
You are the son of Eliza and Alex! You are adorable, sweet, and if anyone stands in your way you will always push them out. If anyone makes fun of someone you love, Watch Out! You will come at them headfirst.

King George

King George

You got King george!
You are a ruler, and probably a little bit crazy. Your subjects dare to leave?! IT WILL NOT STAND! You will do everything in your will power to make sure they don't! But you may be just a tiny bit psycho.....

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