Are you a dog or cat person?
Are you a dog or cat person?
Can we guess if you are a dog person or more of a cat person?
Can we guess if you are a dog person or more of a cat person?
Created by - Whalen101 - (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Dec 10, 2015
Do you have pets?
How many pets do you have?
Do you think it is difficult to take care of a pet?
Are you allergic to a dog or cat?
Does taking care of your pet cost a lot of money?
Do you enjoy having a pet?
Dog Person
Dog Person
You are probably a dog person! You have 1-3 dogs and you enjoy each and every one of them!
Cat Person
Cat Person
You are probably a cat person! You have 1-4 cats, or 5 if you are really crazy about them, and you enjoy them all!
You probably love both of them or you don't like dogs and cats. You either can't decide on one or like different pets instead!
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