Which Founding Father Are You?
Which Founding Father Are You?
So, which old wrinkly guy are you?
So, which old wrinkly guy are you?
You're stuck in a boring Cabinet Meeting and everyone is arguing. So, what are you doing?
Oh crap, you've caught that nasty cold that is going around. How are you handling it?
You're paired up into a group project. What's your job?
Oh no, there is that girl (or guy) who you desperately in love with! What are you going to do?
What's your idea of the perfect day?
Oh no, some guy you destroyed in the press is after you. How are going to handle this guy?
What class do you do the best in?
What do you think is your best trait?
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
Congratulations! You're most like probably the coolest founding father there was. Much like Hamilton you are super foxy and ladies (or men) swoon over you. Seriously, you have some nice abs. You're also super opinionated and you have a problem with not being able to shut up. What you lack in social grace you make up for in your intelligence and wit. You've been through some tragedy in your life but have persevered and have done some really kick-ass stuff.
George Washington
George Washington
Woah! The big man himself, huh? You're kind of a natural born leader. Not to mention extremely intimidating. You excel in anything athletic and when you speak everyone stops to listen. You tend to the most mature and paternal (or maternal) in your friend group, which might suck because you're always taking care of everybody. Most likely, you just want to be left alone so you can live a quiet, simple life. Sorry, you're gonna be stuck babysitting others for awhile.
Thomas Jefferon
Thomas Jefferon
Ew. Alright fine you're most like Thomas Jefferson. Whatever it's fine no big deal. I'm guessing you're the outdoorsy yet stuck-up type. You'll defend your ideas to the grave. At heart you're a simple southern farmer who just want's a state-run democracy. But, you're kind of a hypocrite. And seriously a jerk sometimes. To be fair, you're pretty much a genius. A genius who is awful at public speaking. Also, why are you so obsessed with France?
Aaron Burr
Aaron Burr
You may not consider Aaron Burr a Founding Father, but he was! You’re kind of a shady character and not very open about you’re opinions. Also, you’re a huge flirt. Even though you are usually calm and level-headed, you are known to blow your lid sometimes. And when you do, you make some pretty major mistakes. Don’t worry about it, it can’t be that bad.
John Adams
John Adams
You sure do have a temper. But, your so tiny so it's hard to take you seriously. But, you can hold quite the grudge. And you're not the great at compromising. You have kind of been in the shadow of someone else for most of your life and you're not really sure how to handle being suddenly thrown into the spotlight. But, your smart! You can handle just about anything life throws at you. Except the presidency, you might screw that up really really badly.
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
You're the imaginative type. You often disappear into your daydreams and have to be shaken out of it by others. Wow, are you smart! Seriously, what can't you do? You have a great sense of humor and people gravitate towards you're charismatic personality. Everyone looks up to you as the wise, old soul who they can learn something from. But, you have a bad habit of walking around in the nude, please put on some clothes.