Which Pokemon Manga Character Are You Based On What You Do On A Saturday?

The Pokemon Adventures manga is AMAZING. Obviously, this quiz can't cover ALL of the main characters, so for now we'll just have Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver and Crys. But which one of these ones are you?

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On Jul 19, 2017

What time do you sleep until?

Waht do you have for breakfast?

SURPRISE! Whitney randomly challenges you to a battle with her Miltank. How annoyed are you on a scale of 1-5 (1 being not at all, 5 being REALLY ANNOYED)?

Where do you go after the battle with the stupid Miltank?

You have some spare time. What do you do?

Do you do any homework?

What music do you listen to while doing your homework?

Which one of these films do you watch in the evening?

What do you do before bed?



You are Red, the first protagonist in the manga! You have a rivalry with Blue, but you can beat him in battle! You are amazing at Pokemon battles - so good that Mewtwo asked to battle with you!



You are Blue (or Green if you're from Japan)! You are Red's rival and really, really grumpy. Like WAAAAAAAAY more grumpy than Silver, who was supposed to be grumpy. But you're a cool character =).



You are Green (or Blue if you're from Japan)! You used to be a thief who annoyed Red a LOT, but you're cool now. You see Silver as a little brother, which is kinda cute =).



You are Yellow of Viridian Forest! You have the power to heal Pokemon, sense their thought and feelings, and use small amounts of telekinesis. You have a crush on Red for some reason.



You are Gold! You are the cheerful guy who is generally quite annoying to other people, but you have (to quote the manga) 'a heart of gold'. You managed to hatch a Pokemon egg in just a few minutes, and then you annihilated the masked man.



You are Silver! You are Gold's rival and you really need to cheer up. You have a depressing backstory, being kidnapped as a kid but managing to escape. You see Green as an older sister, and it's kind of cute. You have a lot of EPIC fanart.

Crystal (Crys)

Crystal (Crys)

You are Crystal, the capture specialist! You have amazing aim and you NEARLY managed to capture Suicune. But it didn't matter because later on Suicune came back after Misty got injured and fought against the Masked Man with you at its side.

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