Which emoji are you?
Which emoji are you?
We all have our favorite emoji's whether it's the heart eye or the dancing twins. But each emoji is like a person's personality. Take this quiz to find out which emoji best describes your personality.
We all have our favorite emoji's whether it's the heart eye or the dancing twins. But each emoji is like a person's personality. Take this quiz to find out which emoji best describes your personality.
You're best friend forgets your bityhday. What do you do?
You get an c on a math test, but you know you deserved better what do you do?
People are always making fun of the way you dress. What do you do?
Be a CEO, or a VP?
How often do you use emojis.
Lol emoji
Lol emoji
According to your friends and family, you take everything in life as a joke. You don't dwell on things too much. And your life motto is #LOL
Sunglasses emoji
Sunglasses emoji
You are laid back and don't think too much into everything. To other people, it may look like you don't care, but you're just too laid back. You are the friend that your friend feel like they can go to for advice because you never judge them. Your motto in life is #YOLO
Heart eye emoji
Heart eye emoji
You are loved by everyone and is probably popular in your school. You don't rush when doing anything. You have a bubbly personality, You believe that there is good in everyone. Your motto in life is #LOVE
Rich emoji
Rich emoji
To you everything in life is about working. You hate people that slack off and expect others to do their work. Sometimes you may come on bossy, but you're just doing the work. Most people might think you're the teachers pet in school, but you just want a bright future. But, be careful of not having fun, don't always think about work, do some fun things. Your motto in life is #WERK