Are you Elsa or Anna?

Elsa or Anna? Which is more you? Press let's play to discover which of the frozen sisters you truly are.

Esther Knowles
Created by Esther Knowles (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 28, 2015

What does friendship mean to you?

What colour is your hair?

Are you a sibling?

Someone insults you. What do you do?

You would describe yourself as...



You are Elsa. You are kind and loving but sometimes circumstances get in the way of friendships that could've been. You are strong and determined - you'd make a great feminist!



You are Anna. You are bubbly, excitable but also quite emotional. You care about people who are special to you and hate letting friends go. People like you and know that you are a loyal amazing friend.

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