Which Taylor Swift Song Matches Your Life?
Which Taylor Swift Song Matches Your Life?
Okay, so don't we all admire Taylor Swift and her magical and mysterious songs? But the question that really is just screaming to be answered is which of her awesome songs relates most to you? Well, it's your lucky day, press Let's Play to find out! Psst, if you're a fan of Taylor Swift and other similar stuff check out watermelonclub.wordpress.com for all the latest girly gossip!
Okay, so don't we all admire Taylor Swift and her magical and mysterious songs? But the question that really is just screaming to be answered is which of her awesome songs relates most to you? Well, it's your lucky day, press Let's Play to find out! Psst, if you're a fan of Taylor Swift and other similar stuff check out watermelonclub.wordpress.com for all the latest girly gossip!

The person you care about most starts being mean. What do you do?
What is your favorite thing to do?
Which of these places is the coolest?
What do you look for in a relationship?
Which of these outfits do you like best?
Blank Space
Blank Space
Blank Space relates most to you and your life. You are a fabulous little hottie that is quite stubborn and overly obsessed with romance. You will not stand for it if someone tries to break your heart and your revenge may get very messy (serves them right)! You have experienced similar situations in the past when you have been hurt by the one you love but, OMG, they haven't got away with it yet!
Shake It Off
Shake It Off
Shake It Off relates most to you and your life. You are very confident in your own ability but you're not at all cocky. That's just amazing and great for you! You have learnt just to shake off anything negative that people say about you because you know you're fabulous inside. So, if anyone tries to make you feel insecure, that's just too bad for them!
Love Story
Love Story
Your life is just like Taylor Swift's Love Story. You would like to describe yourself as a star crossed lover but actually, you're very luck to have someone who is so loyal to you. Even if you haven't met the love of your life yet, he is still out there searching for you. And when you find him, you'll sing, Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone...
Mean is the song that most relates to your life. People come and go but those that are haters, are never worth ANYTHING to you! You are great at identifying who your true friends are and who are the people who are just there to take advantage of you. Of course, people still upset you but deep inside you know that all they are is MEAN!
We Are Never Getting Back Together
We Are Never Getting Back Together
We Are Never Getting Back Together is the song that relates most to your life. Did you have a break up recently or is this song written about a future relationship to come? Anyway, you have to be strong and resist the people that you know are no good. Although it may be hard, you are capable of saying a firm NO! I don't care if you're dating Harry Styles, if you feel you're being messed about, you have to leave. You are worth more than that and you deserve a loyal and stable relationship!
Trouble is the song that relates most to your life. Is there someone in your life that you always knew was trouble or is this person yet to come? Listen to the inkling in your head before you go forward and do something; you don't want to be left lying in broken pieces because you didn't think something through before you saw it out. You always knew they were trouble SO WHY DIDN'T YOU DO SOMETHING? Don't make the same mistake twice!