Everything You Need To Know About Cybersquatting/ Domain Squatting
Everything You Need To Know About Cybersquatting/ Domain Squatting
The Seo oracles of a leading Phoenix Web Design Agency want to explain one of the most popular Black Hat Seo Techniques, Cybersquatting or Domain Squatting.
The Seo oracles of a leading Phoenix Web Design Agency want to explain one of the most popular Black Hat Seo Techniques, Cybersquatting or Domain Squatting.

The Seo oracles of a leading Phoenix Web Design Agency want to explain one of the most popular Black Hat Seo Techniques, Cybersquatting or Domain Squatting. Black Hat Seo techniques are being used by people all over the world to bring about sudden and instant improvements in the ranking of the websites in the SERPs by paying no heed and straight out violating the Google Webmaster Guidelines. Black Hat Seo techniques are a way of fooling the search engine crawlers/bots and manipulating the search engine algorithm by employing disapproved and unethical methods. Though there are innumerable numbers of Black Hat Seo techniques used on a regular basis by websites all around, today we are going to discuss the one which is an indirect way of stealing someone else’s website name and using it to your advantage.
We are talking about Cybersquatting or Domain Squatting is an act of purchasing a generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) the trademark of which has already been done by the main party just to block them from registering it, for selling or to profit from reselling it. Let’s talk about in detail.
What is Cybersquatting or Domain Squatting?
We are familiar with the words Cyber (relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality) and domain (a distinct subset of the Internet with addresses sharing a common suffix or under the control of a particular organization or individual), but what is Squatting. Squatting is the unethical and illegal way of taking hold of an abandoned or unoccupied piece of land or building that the squatter or the culprit does not own or have rights over, does not rent or have official permission to use. Now, in the seo sense cyber or domain squatting is taking hold of a domain name in a generic top-level domain (gTLD) operating under contract with ICANN similar to another’s trademark.
Cybersquatting aka Domain Squatting is an act of registering, trafficking in or using another’s trademark as a domain name in a bad faith.
Why people indulge in Cybersquatting aka Domain Squatting?
Truth be told, domain squatters have the higher chances of getting paid by the small businesses than by the big, reputable business during incidents of Cybersquatting. That’s because big, reputable firms have all the time and plenty of resources to fight the lawsuit against Cybersquatting then the small businesses that would rather pay the demanded price rather than refile your paperwork, reorder business signs, etc., just before launching a new business.
If you have the Trademark, then it is yours
Know this, all the General top-level domains (gTLDs) that are similar to the copyrighted or trademarked names, words or phrases are safeguarded under the Uniform Domain-Name Resolution Policy (UDRP). This means legally and lawfully the owner of the trademark and copyright have the full right over the domains registered in bad faith.
For more information on Cybersquatting aka Domain Squatting you can contact the Seo oracles of Etoile Info Solutions, who hold years of experience in delivering seo services to clients worldwide. For the complete list of web design, development and seo services click here.