People Are Threatening To Boycott Budweiser Over Their Super Bowl Ad
People Are Threatening To Boycott Budweiser Over Their Super Bowl Ad
Budweiser's Super Bowl ad this year focused on Anheuser-Busch co-founder Adolphus Busch's immigration to the United States in the mid 1800s, which many have taken as a political statement. What do you think? Was Budweiser's ad too political?
Budweiser's Super Bowl ad this year focused on Anheuser-Busch co-founder Adolphus Busch's immigration to the United States in the mid 1800s, which many have taken as a political statement. What do you think? Was Budweiser's ad too political?
After Budweiser released its Super Bowl ad showing the journey of one of its founders, Adolphus Busch, to America in the mid 1800s and the prejudice he faced as a German immigrant of that time period, many people are now calling for a boycott of Budweiser beer. You can watch the ad that sparked the boycott here:
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Many think that this ad, which began production months ago, was aimed at Trump's immigration ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries, which he signed into effect a few days ago. Many more think the ad is too generally political. This has sparked the Twitter hashtags, #BoycottBudweiser and #BoycottBud.
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Nonetheless, there are many more people who thought the ad was well-crafted and interesting and will now begin buying Budweiser to try and counteract the boycott and support the company.
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So, now, what we want to know is...
Do you think Budweiser should be boycotted because of its commercial?
Do you think Budweiser should be boycotted because of its commercial?
Any other thoughts? Talk to us about them in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think.