Which Panic! at the disco album/era are you?
Which Panic! at the disco album/era are you?
a pretty odd quiz about panic! at the disco
a pretty odd quiz about panic! at the disco
what FOB album is the best?
choose a P!atd member
choose a disney character
choose an instrument
choose a city
choose a dessert
choose a make up look
choose a pizza topping
choose a scented candle
choose one word to describe yourself
choose a brendon
A fever you cant sweat out
A fever you cant sweat out
you are living in 2005-07. you wear a ton of eyeliner and are the image of teen angst. you also have a vocabulary that is much larger than most people your age. You are a very emotional person, but hey, thats not bad.
pretty. odd.
pretty. odd.
flower child. The pretty odd era is probably the best, so congrats. you are a very boho, and chill person. you feel like you were born in the wrong generation. the 60s were when music and culture were way better. you probably listen to the Beatles, and Lana Del Rey.
vices and virtues
vices and virtues
steampunk, you like to think that you are all cool and hipster, when in reality you are pret-ty mainstream, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. you are probably into musicals and theatrical stuff. you are a very underrated and under appreciated person.
too weird to live, too rare to die
too weird to live, too rare to die
you are a cool cat. you are very outgoing, but have a soft, emotional side too. you probs love big cities, and love music that is fun to dance to. you like to look forward to the future, rather than dwell in the past.
death of a bachelor
death of a bachelor
you may seem like a very popular and fun person with a ton of friends, when in reality, you have no true friends and feel very alone in life, but other than that you are a very cool person, who is generally very well liked.