5 foods to end you cravings
5 foods to end you cravings
When someone takes addictive drugs the body keeps demanding for it. The same applies to some kind of food like the sugary salty or any kind of food. You will always crave for them especially when you are idle and hungry. Overcoming craving for food especially those people who are struggling to lose weight can be very hard. When you want to avoid craving for food, try as much as possible to keep yourself full so that you can easily overcome the temptation. I am not saying you eat too much food to make yourse
When someone takes addictive drugs the body keeps demanding for it. The same applies to some kind of food like the sugary salty or any kind of food. You will always crave for them especially when you are idle and hungry. Overcoming craving for food especially those people who are struggling to lose weight can be very hard. When you want to avoid craving for food, try as much as possible to keep yourself full so that you can easily overcome the temptation. I am not saying you eat too much food to make yourse
Green tea
This is a food substance that can create a feeling of satisfaction on the stomach through the assistance of epigallocatechin gallate producing cholecystokinin. This will make you feel full hence you body will not demand too much food. Green tea also speeds up metabolism which causes burning of excess fats and controls appetite regulating hormones and hence cravings.
Red wine
Red wine is what most people like taking as an after meal drink. They might not notice how important it is in reducing craving. When fermented for sometime it forms red wine vinegar which keeps food in the stomach for a long, reducing the chances of you craving for more food and maximum digestion occurs. Acetic acid in the wine also reduces rise in blood sugar which is a possible cause of craving.
Take an apple
An apple is one of the snacks that can help you reduce the craving for food. Apple pectin reduces the rate at which the blood sugar rises. High blood sugar makes an individual crave for food. Apple avoids this by keeping an individual full for about two hours. You can add apple pectin to most of your drinks.
Make bran part of your diet
If you are looking for something to assist you in weight loss then bran is what you need. It is a fiber substance therefore cannot be digested hence cannot increase weight. Take glass of water with 2 tablespoons of bran to stop secretion of ghrelin hormone which causes hunger. Bran absorbs water and expands filling the stomach reducing the urge to eat. Consider wheat brand and rice brand in your diet. Just make sure you drink a lot of water after taking brand because without water, it can easily block your digestion tract.
Pine nuts
Pine nuts contain pinolenic acid that inhibits release of hunger hormones. It stimulates release of cholecystokinin hormone that suppresses hunger. You can take it in form of a snack just before your meals or take it as part of your meal. This reduces the amount of food intake and cravings.
There are different addicts in the world; the drug addicts who go to rehabilitation centers and the food addicts who just require the above food substances to rehabilitate themselves. Taking above food is the best way for you to keep your weight in check and maintain that beautiful figure. It also helps you avoid unhealthy foods which are the possible cause of abnormal weight gain that you may have been introduced to when you were kid. Cravings should not rule your world they can be overcome.