5 Simple Rules Of Texting Etiquette
5 Simple Rules Of Texting Etiquette
We've all had to deal with that one texter at one point or another who either ignores you completely or takes way longer to respond than the average person. If you happen to be one of these people or are just looking for ways to become a better texter than take a look at a few of these rules I have compiled for you!
We've all had to deal with that one texter at one point or another who either ignores you completely or takes way longer to respond than the average person. If you happen to be one of these people or are just looking for ways to become a better texter than take a look at a few of these rules I have compiled for you!
Don't take an eternity
This is when you do respond, you just decide to take 2+ days to do so. In many cases you can have a legitimate excuse for this such as your phone being taken away or going on a trip where texting isn't really a priority. Other times if people do this they may just not consider you or whatever you texted that important. Of course if you happen to do this and you don't want to be taken as rude just simply reply at a more reasonable time.
Don't ignore their text
This one is pretty self explanatory. If somebody texts, "Hey I need help on this issue," don't respond, "So today I went to one of my favorite restraunts." Another tip: If you happen to take a long time to text back as well then definitely still respond to what they put. Even if the response is quick, atleast your acknowledging their message.
Just be nice!
There are both advantages and disadvantages to texting. Some will use it as a way to think what they send through whereas others will use it as an easy way to just ignore you or be rude when responding. In all honestly it's not that difficult to atleast be polite when texting and if you give these tips a try people will really appreciate it! :)