What element is your personality most like?
What element is your personality most like?
There are many elements, just as there are many personalities. Which element do you most represent? The eight included in this quiz are: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Electricity, Shadow, Nature, and Light (Note: This quiz is not 100% accurate, and it mostly just goes off of my own knowledge and opinions of the elements) Hope you enjoy!
There are many elements, just as there are many personalities. Which element do you most represent? The eight included in this quiz are: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Electricity, Shadow, Nature, and Light (Note: This quiz is not 100% accurate, and it mostly just goes off of my own knowledge and opinions of the elements) Hope you enjoy!

So, you ready to start? (Does not affect final result)
Okay, so what's your favorite temperature?
Interesting... okay, so what about weather/natural disasters?
What is your most positive personality trait? Be honest.
Good so far, now your worst personality trait? Again, honesty is important here.
Now, pick an animal. (Yes, it has to be a REAL animal)
Roleplay time: You're exploring the woods with some friends when you suddenly hear a strange, yelping noise from nearby. What do you do?
Favorite color...? I'm sorry but I had to... (Barely counts towards final result)
Greatest dream? (Out of these)
Greatest fear?
More Roleplay: You are walking through a city, alone, at night (bad idea) when you hear footsteps pounding behind you. What do you do?
I have almost everything I need: Pick an image. (Barely counts towards final result)
Last question: Weapon of choice? (Out of these)
Okay so I lied, did you enjoy this quiz? (Does not count towards final result)
Congrats, you are most like the fire element! I consider fire to be a fiercely loyal personality, along with an often contagious enthusiasm and hyperness. Fire is often very social, and isn't afraid to fight. Real fires are considered destructive, but despite this they make way for new life to bloom. Hope I got it right, and I hope you enjoyed!
Congrats, you are most like the water element! I consider water to be a very determined personality, along with good cooperation skills, as long as people aren't in their way. Real water is often considered a cleansing element, but it can be more dangerous than fire. Hope I got it right, and I hope you enjoyed!
Congrats, you are most like the earth element! I consider earth to be a very protective personality, along with being very supportive, even to those who may not exactly deserve it. Real earth is looked down on by others, but don't be ashamed, it is a great element! Hope I got it right, and I hope you enjoyed!
Congrats, you are most like the air element! I consider air to be a free-spirited personality, along with a desire to choose their own path. Air is day-dreamy, and this helps it to escape the real world. Real air is always flitting around, going from a gentle breeze to a strong gust in only seconds. Hope I got it right, and I hope you enjoyed!
Congrats, you are most like the electric element! I consider electricity to be more of a lonely personality, and it may bother them. Electricity tends to have a temper, and it's also quick and strong. Real electricity is used for power, but it's very destructive and unpredictable. Hope I got it right, and I hope you enjoyed!
Congrats, you are most like the shadow element! I consider shadow to be a crafty personality, along with a bit of vengefulness and spite. Like electricity, shadow is often misunderstood and lonely. Real shadows are often perceived as evil or bad, but usually that is just superstition. Hope I got it right, and I hope you enjoyed!
Congrats, you are most like the nature element! I consider nature to be a helpful and caring personality that rarely gets angry. Nature is often very calm and peaceful, not willing to fight and always lending a helping hand. Real nature consists of plants, animals, and is usually used to represent life. Hope I got it right, and I hope you enjoyed!
Congrats, you are most like the light element! I consider light to be an empathetic personality, a bit like nature, but differing in other core traits. Light is quite sensitive and naive, which nature is not. Real light is looked upon as a symbol of good, but don't let it go to your head. Hope I got it right, and I hope you enjoyed!