Which fictional heroine are you?
Which fictional heroine are you?
Tris Prior or Emma Swan?
Tris Prior or Emma Swan?
If you had one wish, what would it be?
What's your fatal flaw?
Who would you fall for?
Which career would you choose?
Where would you go for a vacation?
How would you describe yourself?
How hard is it to make you violent?
Would you fight in a battle?
What would be your role in battle?
Which would you want to explore?
Are you more of a talker or listener?
What would you like to drink?
What would you do if a loved one were captured?
Who would you want as your sidekick?
Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Choose your weapon.
Tauriel from The Hobbit
Tauriel from The Hobbit
"It is our fight. It will not end here. With every victory this evil will grow. If your father has his way, we will do nothing. We will hide within our walls, live our lives away from the light and let darkness descend. Are we are not part of this world? Tell me, Mellon, when did we let evil become stronger than us?"
Tauriel feels a duty and responsibility for those around her. Even strangers. Because she herself is such a fighter, she gets frustrated when others do not show the same courage in battle. She's a warm, peaceful person by nature and doesn't like being the cause of trouble. She doesn't like to bother others with her own emotions, but is unsure during times of severe grief what else to do. Tauriel has a hard time understanding her negative feelings.
Padme Skywalker from Star Wars
Padme Skywalker from Star Wars
"So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause."
Padme is the type to always put the people before herself. She has a kind, loving personality and finds it easy to express her feelings. Even when the feelings are negative, she shows no difficulty. Even though she was cautious at first towards Anakin's proposals, when the two are facing death she gives in to her feelings and confesses her love. After a narrow escape, she continues to worry about and for Anakin.
Natasha Romanoff from Avengers
Natasha Romanoff from Avengers
"The person who wrote this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly."
Natasha seems like a stoic, uncaring individual but in reality she cares deeply for those around her. She's funny and sarcastic but doesn't abuse it. The pleasure of those around her is not her first concern, though she does show compassion for their feelings. Natasha sometimes has a hard time understanding those around her. Natasha and Clint Barton are best friends and he's one of the few she doesn't have a hard time connecting with.
Clara Oswald from Doctor Who
Clara Oswald from Doctor Who
"Hang on, three of you in one cell, and none of you thought to try the door?"
Clara is mischievous and analytical. Clara isn't satisfied with knowing the facts, she wants the details and explanations. Far from judgmental, she's a very open minded person.
Tris Prior from Divergent
Tris Prior from Divergent
"Don't try and define me."
Tris is very selfless. Her first concern is for the people around her and her last is her own self. She is very hard on herself and doesn't let herself forget it when she harms someone. She is constantly comparing herself to her heroes and is disappointed when she falls short.
Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time
"Henry brought me to Storybrooke to bring back the happy endings. My job’s not done until I do that for everyone… including you."
Although Emma is an extrovert, she is a more quiet one. She needs her time alone and hates feeling like the center of attention. She has a hard time warming up to people. And if they have gained her trust then they are special indeed, for she does not give it lightly.
Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean
"And what makes you think I need protecting?"
Elizabeth tries to be a good daughter, but ultimately goes with her gut instinct no matter who she displeases. She goes against her father's wishes and marries Will Turner. Elizabeth comes off as a snob when it comes to Jack's morals, for she values her own so dearly. She can be quite emotional and is more comfortable expressing herself in actions rather than words.
Alice Kingsleigh from Alice in Wonderland
Alice Kingsleigh from Alice in Wonderland
"Sometimes I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Alice easily makes connections between her present reality and her past experiences. Her motto and most issued advise is "All the best people are mad." Alice commits to “believing six impossible things” before breakfast, because her father taught her to do that. She takes the initiative and decides to expand her father's business is his memory. She is very logical.