Which Female Ghostbuster Are You?

Who ya gonna call?

Created by FanBread (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Well first things first, did you see the new Ghostbusters yet?

What was your favorite subject in school?

What Hogwarts house do you identify with?

If you had to see one pop star in concert right now, who would it be?

Pick the city you'd prefer to live in.

Your crush texts you just when you thought you were over him. What do you do?

Would you consider yourself a feminist?

Erin Gilbert

Erin Gilbert

You're not really sure where you stand in life, but you're strong enough to figure that out.

Abby Yates

Abby Yates

You know what you want and you're not afraid to go get it.

Jillian Holtzmann

Jillian Holtzmann

Only you can be you, and that's what makes you so frickin' great.

Patty Tolan

Patty Tolan

You know things no one else knows. Beyond your sense of humor, you're smarter than most of your friends.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021