Which Hot Male Celebrity Should You Be Snowed in With This Christmas?
Which Hot Male Celebrity Should You Be Snowed in With This Christmas?
Okay, so there might not actually be a blizzard predicted but if you were shut indoors this Christmas, which gorgeous celebrity would be your ideal partner in crime? Take our quiz to see.
Okay, so there might not actually be a blizzard predicted but if you were shut indoors this Christmas, which gorgeous celebrity would be your ideal partner in crime? Take our quiz to see.

Your pick for an evening out…
You look out the window and see snow and it immediately makes you want to…
You’re 3 AM beverage of choice…
You’re chilling on a yacht…
What do you like eating from these options…
You’re sick at home with the flu. You’d want your guy to…
After a particularly snowy, cold night, you’d want to…
You definitely have a type. And he would be most like…
You like…
Your kind of place…
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa is your best match. If you’re going to be snowed in, you would like it to be with someone who is full of energy and who has a trick or two up his sleeve for when it comes to entertaining you so you’re not bored. Also, those cheekbones! Need we say more!
Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds is your best match. You like a guy who can keep you in spilts and with that tongue-in-cheek sense of humor and adorable goofiness, no one does this better than him. Of course, those good looks don’t hurt either!
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Hemsworth is your best match. He not only looks like a Norse god but is also a fun, laidback, super charming guy who ticks all the boxes off what you like in a man.