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An Amy Winehouse Quiz Only TRUE Fans Can Ace

Fearless, visionary and immensely talented – there can be only one of her.

Faye Remedios
Created by Faye Remedios
On Jan 25, 2023
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That this young musician left behind a stellar legacy is well-documented. She passed away in 2011 after an eight-year-long career that took the world of music by storm and made her a global superstar. You might certainly remember her songs, but how much do you know about the legend behind them? Take our quiz and see how much you remember about this fabulous British singer.

1 / 10

In 2008, Amy Winehouse took home ___ Grammys.

2 / 10

Amy Winehouse made her recording debut as a ____.

3 / 10

She dabbled in ___.

4 / 10

This designer called Amy his muse and hailed her as the next Brigitte Bardot.

5 / 10

She looked taller than her 5’2” height on account of the six-and-a-half-inch beehive she sported.

6 / 10

The record label she founded was called ____ Records.

7 / 10

Her debut album was called…

8 / 10

In ___, she entered the “Guinness Book of Records” for ‘Most Grammy Wins by a British Female Act.’

9 / 10

She was ___ -years-old when she died.

10 / 10

Although her albums did spectacularly well, Amy didn’t actually have a number one single during her career.

Questions left

What's your favorite Amy Winehouse track?

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On Nov 18, 2021
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