Difficult Person Test: Do You Fall In The 'Difficult Person' Category?
Difficult Person Test: Do You Fall In The 'Difficult Person' Category?
There are certain traits that can get you labeled as being ‘difficult’. Do you display any of them? Try this difficult person test.
There are certain traits that can get you labeled as being ‘difficult’. Do you display any of them? Try this difficult person test.
Being considered a difficult person can affect your relationships. Of course, no one is perfect. And recognizing certain characteristics that can make you hard to get along with is your first step to changing your behaviour, getting the advice, support and help if you need it, and in this way, being on your way to developing healthier, happier relationships with people and yourself. Because if you’re hard on others, there’s a good chance you’re not so easy on yourself either.
Compromising is hard
You tend to be aggressive
You always have something to complain about
You tend to be paranoid
Are You A Difficult Person?
Take our quiz to see where you stand.
What’s your stand on compromising?
It’s easy for me to set my ego aside and admit I’m wrong
When people don’t live up to your expectations, you tend to…
In a conversation, the person doing the most talking is…
You are open to getting and taking advice from others
Do you have to be…
Conversations are a chance to…
In a tough situation, you tend to…
You tend to get excluded from group activities often
You tend to have a ___ circle of friends
Everything is a competition
You’re ___ to judge
When it comes to grudges, you tend to…
You’re extremely suspicious
You thrive on manipulation