Can You Really Name All These Biblical Miracles?

You might need a refresher course to ace this one!

Faye Remedios
Created by Faye Remedios
On Oct 24, 2022
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If the word ‘miracles’ makes you stop and wonder what exactly they are, just go back to your reading of the Bible. And then, take this quiz. We guarantee you’re in for some surprises. Don’t believe us? Take us up on this challenge and see. You might not be able to walk on water after this, but you might just be able to flaunt an incredible score. 

1 / 22

Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of ____.

2 / 22

This child was conceived when Sarah was 90 years old, and Abraham was over 100.

3 / 22

Of the ten plagues of Egypt, one of these was the plague of ___, which “covered all of Egypt, so that the land was darkened with them”.

4 / 22

____ was the edible substance that God sent to feed the Israelites during their travels in the desert.

5 / 22

Jesus used five ___ and two ___ supplied by a boy to feed a multitude.

6 / 22

____ was miraculously provided in the Zin desert from a rock after being struck twice by Moses.

7 / 22

Jesus raised ____ from the dead.

8 / 22

The walls of ____ fell down at God’s command after the Israelites proved their faith in Him.

9 / 22

King Jeroboam’s ___ instantly withered and then restored.

10 / 22

Prophet Elijah was fed up by the ____.

11 / 22

Jonah survived three days and three nights in the belly of a ___.

12 / 22

Aaron’s staff changed into a ____.

13 / 22

The ___ sea divided to allow the nation of Israel to pass through on dry ground.

14 / 22

Balaam’s ___ protected him from the angel and ultimately spoke to Balaam.

15 / 22

Samson had the gift of supernatural ____.

16 / 22

The waters of Jericho were healed by Elisha’s casting ___ into them.

17 / 22

The widow’s ___ was multiplied by Elisha.

18 / 22

After being instructed by Elisha to wash seven times in the Jordan river, Naaman was healed of ___.

19 / 22

Daniel was saved from hungry ___ in a sealed den.

20 / 22

God confused ___ at the tower of Babel.

21 / 22

The star of Bethlehem appeared and led the three ___ to Jesus.

22 / 22

At the wedding of Cana, Jesus changed ___ into ___.

Questions left

Which of these miracles left you in the most awe?

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