Can You Tell Whether The Food Is a Fruit or Vegetable?
Can You Tell Whether The Food Is a Fruit or Vegetable?
Trust us when we say this is harder to crack than it looks.
Trust us when we say this is harder to crack than it looks.
Fruits or vegetables – it seems pretty straightforward, doesn’t it? But it’s actually far more confusing than it appears. What we think of as vegetables could very well be botanically classed as fruit and vice versa. Don’t believe us? Take this quiz and see how many you get right. It’s thyme to challenge yourself.
What do strawberries and blueberries have in common with eggplant?
Watermelons are so sweet and refreshing. They are…
Sweet, tangy tomatoes that are a must-have in any kitchen are…
Perfect for salads and munching, cooling cucumbers are…
Mushy and delicious, green peas are…
Capsicums, with their bite of heat, are…
Rhubarb pie can be a lip-smackingly delicious tea treat, and rhubarbs are…
Can’t beat a dish of fried, crispy okras, which are…
Love them or hate them, green beans are a staple in every kitchen and are…
Boiled, mashed, baked or fried, spuds are a life-long love for most of us, and potatoes are…
Picked olives that add that hint of tart are…
A pumpkin spice latte or anything pumpkin is a winner, making pumpkins…
Lettuce, with its oh-so-good health benefits, are…
Buttery corn on the cob is a treat, and corn is a…
With its firm place in sweet treats and desserts, sweet potatoes are…
Zucchinis are a type of…
Grapes are officially ____, and the grape plant is officially a ____.
Starch and delicious, yams are…
Sweet red beets are technically…
Good for your eyes and loaded with health benefits, sweet carrots are…
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